Josh Jones Forbes • Growing stronger helped me break out of my old, limited self-image. Now I'm helping my LGBTQ+ and allied friends to do the same!

"I want to lose some weight."

Living in a fatphobic society means nearly all of us want to lose weight or avoid body fat. Weight discrimination is a constant (and legal) harm for the majority of Americans. In medical

Podcasts for a fuller view of fitness

Podcasts are a wealth of knowledge, and I think the right voices can make a college course feel like a friendly hangout. I also believe in valuing voices beyond those privileged by the

Why I'm a vegan who loves to eat

Four years ago in 2019, I made a New Year's resolution to eat less meat. I had read about the environmental impacts of meat production and the ways it wasted land

My 7-year training anniversary reflection

Today marks seven years since I began strength training! When I was approaching one year out of college, I decided to commit myself to lifting at least once every week, mostly out of